Friday Links: Down the Rabbit Hole Week 9
Image by Koseli Cummings
This puts everything into perspective.
This Dad filmed his baby girl every week for fourteen years.
Predict how common your name will be in the future. <-- This stuff will never work for me. Souvenir key chains, first day of school, marriage certificate misspelling.
The most beautiful post from my best friend on Bored Moms. Perspective, hope, and cheers all around for sweet Amy. (International All Women's Day should totally be a thing.)
Manrepeller's post on the symbolism of each type of "ponytail" is spot on. Half up-half down girls are wild cards. Wow. (This is my favorite fashion blog of all time, forever and ever, since 2012.)
And, The Year Without Makeup.
Hey Natalie Jean's book and Design Mom's book. Both out so soon! Hip Hip!
Did you read my post about the book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up? It was really fun to share pictures of our (clean) house and find out that SO many other people have read it too and are feeling the decluttering bug.
Where to see wildflowers in California this Spring. I was just thinking about this and had no idea where to look to find out so thank you, Ashley!
Cute crib sheets. Even unisex and boy sheets!
I loved this post shared on the Bored Moms Facebook about being tightly wound in relation to being a parent. Yep. There's a reason this went viral. (And the author is one of my new favorite internet mom writers because she mentions night cheese in her bio.)
Hey, thank you for the congrats on the new contributor position for Red Tricycle! (Loving the deadlines and excuses to adventure already.) Do you follow Red Tricycle for your city yet? (I like their newsletters the best.)