Koseli Cummings

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Little Things Podcast is almost a year!


A year ago I bought a Blue Yeti mic for $100, sat on the floor of my cold closet, and recorded my first ever podcast. Recording audio has been something I’ve wanted to play around with for a very long time, and for some reason I got excited enough about it to impulsively buy a mic and get going on it. And I am so glad I did. During 2018, I published 28 episodes (so far!) and had 5,000 downloads. Despite my ramblings and minor disappearances during pregnancy, you guys kept listening. Thank you so much! I’m really excited to keep recording episodes. I’d love to hear your thoughts on what you’d like to hear more of. You can email me at koselicummings@gmail.com or DM me on Instagram @koswriter anytime.

You can listen to Little Things here, or wherever you like to listen to your favorite podcasts. (I love PocketCasts.)