Down the Rabbit Hole: Week 9
Our new favorite playground in the Hills.
Hope everybody had a good week! A few things I found over the past week and loved.
I loved this post about what to say to friends struggling with infertility. (And the comments!)
Rudi the Rainbow is trying to find his colors and along the way learns all about weather and space. This app sounds so cute! Support their Kickstarter here and get rainbow socks or posters for contributing.
I love Allison's vlogs, especially this one. Ray of sunshine.
I'm on a serious hunt for new shoes for the boys and am falling wayyy short. Does anyone have any favorite brands? I like leather or canvas shoes they can pull on themselves. There's gotta be a brand out there I'm missing...
Just read All the Light We Cannot See and LOVED it. Uplifting, thoughtful, beautiful language. The story looped and looped and looped again. Really cannot say how much I loved it. I couldn't put it down. What have you read lately that you loved? (Eleanor & Park, Finding Alaska, and The Inner Game of Tennis too!)
JNCO jeans are back. Oh dear.
Does anyone else love the Goldbergs as much as we do? So funny.
Selfishness, for now. (Erin is so lovely!)
"Do you need help pinning your consciousness to the wall?" You know I love this conversation between Maria Popova and Maira Kalman.
And the Bored Moms community makes me happy.
So excited The Black Apple has a new picture book coming out!