Missing New York

April was our last month in New York. Keenan surprised us with this book right before we pulled onto the road for the final stretch of our cross country move. Keeps the faces and places we love fresh in our minds. His thoughtfulness is above and beyond.

Man, missing New York so much lately. Not one thing in particular, and probably more my people than anything. What I'd do for a bowl of ramen or a walk around our brownstone neighborhood at dusk, though. Also, a little trip to Fish's Eddy and the Japanese bookstore we loved one more time.

In place of a 'New York favorites' or 'What to do in the city!' post, I feel the need to sit and write every memory I can remember and send it in an email to myself. I can't bring myself to share New York memories just yet. Feels too personal and almost sacred. So dramatic, I know. 

Brooklyn, you sucker.

Koseli Cummings

Hello! I’m Koseli. I’m a content strategist based in the Bay Area.


Stuck in a funk


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