Stuck in a funk
I admire's these people's tenacious funk. If you ask if their is a matching zebra car, I will say yes.
I've been feeling creatively stuck lately. I'm not sure what it is—whether it's our big move, or settling into the two kids thing, or whether I need to make a bigger change like working away from home, or taking a trip alone. It may also be that I just need to get up earlier every day so I can have a solid block of time to read and write, and then go for a jog. I know I miss New York, but that's not it. I can't put my finger on it. It could also be a big idea for a new site that I've had that I'm still wrestling with. I honestly don't know. Maybe I'll just buy something? :)
Anyone have any tips for getting out of a funk? It's a cyclical thing for me, but this funk is lingering. Even Rocky Road Tilamook won't cut it. Funk be gone.