
Do we follow each other on Medium? Here are a few pieces I’ve published over the last year or so that I think you might like:

Nursing Near Meteorites

A 7 min read. It’s a personal essay about nursing my baby in the Natural History Museum. That does not make it sound interesting but I promise it gets into it. If you have a baby, or know one, you’ll appreciate this essay. It was also published in the Winter issue of Exponent ii.

Where is Me in My Motherhood

Another short essay I wrote in the midst of parenting two little kids 2 and under with PPA and PPD. There’s hope on the other side, I promise!

Maybe I’m a Better Parent After Eating Out By Myself

Every time I land a new client, I take myself out to dinner. This is the story of me being very happy eating ramen by myself at Tosh’s while my husband is home reading 5,000 bedtime stories.

Recent Work

February Sabbatical

Anyone else feel the rush of 2018? January seemed to last forever but I couldn't seem to slog through my list of resolutions and get myself in order. Something about holiday travel really threw me off balance and I feel like I'm still recovering. I've never done this before but I'm trying something: I'm taking February off from client work. No freelance writing, no client emails, no nagging push in the back of my head. I feel the need for a break and I feel lucky to get to take it. So far the time I'd otherwise reserve for work is taken up with rest, kids, and winter sunshine. Not bad. Hope to throw in some introspective journal time in there, too. And a trip to Palm Springs won't hurt either. :) I talk a little more about my work break on this week's episode of Little Things, if you're interested.

Thanks as always for following along!